Bethesda Maryland Christian Counselor Kevin Schick

Bethesda Maryland Christian Counselor Kevin Schick   Launch Map

Kevin Schick is a Professional Christian Counselor serving the Metro DC area from Bethesda, Maryland. With over ten years of providing therapy he considers it a deep privilege to help people overcome personal and relationship issues. Kevin’s focus is on individuals and couples to find healing, hope, connection, and growth.

City: Bethesda
State: Maryland
Specialties: Addictions, Abuse, Anxiety, Depression, Impulse Control, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Relationship Challenges.
Credentials: LCPC (Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor), NCC (National Certified Counselor)
Office Location: 5515 Ridgefield Rd. Bethesda, Maryland 20816
Cross Streets: River Road and Springfield Drive
Treatment Approach: Diverse and Client Centered, Emotionally Focused, and ERP for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Insurance: None
Payment Terms: Due at time of appointment. Current fee is $80.

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