Bonney Lake Washington Christian Counselor Tom Lumsden

Bonney Lake Washington Christian Counselor Tom Lumsden   Launch Map

Tom Lumsden is a Christian counselor serving the Bonney Lake/Pierce County, WA area since 1987. His knowledge of the effects of addictions on individuals as well as married couples makes him unique as a Christian counselor. Mr. Lumsden is direct, yet compassionate as he comes alongside his clients to determine the best course of treatment for them. He is also available to do Interventions to help families to get a loved one into treatment for his/her addiction.

City: Bonney Lake
State: WA
Client Focus: Individuals, married couples.
Specialties: Marriage counseling/Individual counseling/Drug and Alcohol issues within a family as well.
Credentials: MA in counseling/psychology, Certified Employee Assistant Professional/Substance Abuse Professional as well for the Federal Government.
Office Location: 19106 79th St E, Bonney Lake, WA 98391
Cross Streets: 79th St E and 192nd
Language: English
Treatment Approach: Reality Therapy type approach, dealing with the here and now, incorporating knowledge of scripture to help clients understand better who they are and how they can cope with their problems.
Insurance: There are some insurances that will cover a counselor with a masters degree in counseling/psychology, but not all. Mr. Lumsden prefers payment when a client comes and is willing to help the client to get reimbursed by his/her insurance if indeed the insurance covers Mr. Lumsden.
Payment Terms: $70.00 per hour. Payment when client comes with a check or cash only. Sliding scale available when need exists only.

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