Wichita Kansas Christian Counselor Victoria J Haag, RN, MS, LCMFT

Wichita Kansas Christian Counselor Victoria J Haag, RN, MS, LCMFT   Launch Map

Victoria Haag is a Licensed Clinical Marriage & Family Therapist in private practice in Wichita, KS. She addresses a broad spectrum of individual and life issues in a quiet, comfortable, confidential environment. Victoria very much values her role as therapist and brings compassion, understanding, respect, humor, and life experience to your process of taking back your life.

City: Wichita
State: Kansas
Client Focus: Individuals, Couples, Families; Adolescents age 13 and up, adults, including senior citizens
Specialties: Abuse Victims/Trauma, Anxiety/Panic Disorder, Chronic Illness/Disability/Dysfunction, Codependency, Depression, Divorce Recovery, Emotional eating, Female Hormones, Brain Chemistry & Moods, Gay/Lesbian Issues, Grief & Loss, Men’s Issues, Parenting Support, Parents/Families with Special Needs Children, Self-Compassion, Special Education Advocacy, Stress Management, Women’s Health & Empowerment, Work/Career Problems
Credentials: RN, MS, LCMFT
Office Location: 421 East 3rd Street North, Wichita, KS 67202-2509
Cross Streets: Third Street and North Emporia
Travel Distance: In office only
Language: English
Treatment Approach: Cognitive-Behavioral, Personal Coaching, Family Systems, Interpersonal, Mind-Body Connection, Psychoeducational, Psychodynamic, Relational, Self-Compassion, Strengths-based, Solution-Focused.
Insurance: Accept all insurances, except Medicare; most employee assistance programs
Payment Terms: For specific information, see website: www.wichitacompasscounseling.com
Website: http://www.WichitaCompassCounseling.com

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